Our Mission

To defend Kansans effectively, zealously, and respectfully. We practice an interdisciplinary, holistic approach to champion client goals and address the root causes of involvement in the legal system.

Our Vision

We envision a future where effective, zealous, and comprehensive representation is accessible to all poor and working-class individuals. By empowering those we serve and confronting systemic barriers to justice, we will create safe, inclusive, and thriving communities for everyone.

Our Core Values



We listen to our clients, involve them actively in the preparation of their case, and act based on their goals. We treat our clients with compassion and dignity.



We strive to serve clients not just in their criminal case, but also to help our clients navigate the collateral consequences of involvement in the justice system.



We work creatively and with others in the community to improve our systems, reduce injustice, and better serve our community.

Our Model


Excellent Holistic Legal Representation

Kansas Holistic Defenders began handling misdemeanor cases for indigent individuals in Douglas County in early 2022. Our team, consisting of criminal defense attorneys, client advocates, and support staff, is dedicated to delivering top-notch representation in court. Additionally, we strive to connect clients with services addressing the root causes of recidivism and the collateral consequences of arrest and prosecution.

This model has been successful in various jurisdictions across the country, regardless of size. For instance, offices like Still She Rises in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Restoring Justice in Harris County, Texas, have effectively represented clients while operating on an appointment-panel-based system. In places like New York City, non-profit, independent defender offices serve as the primary providers of indigent defense services. Some of these systems, such as in King County, Washington, have seamlessly integrated independent non-profits into the county government.


Client Advocate Services

 Our clients entrust us with more than just legal matters. To provide holistic support and tackle the social challenges they encounter, we enlist Client Advocates. These advocates work to break the cycle of poverty by assisting clients in accessing necessary services. They facilitate connections to ensure compliance with pre-trial release conditions and success in alternative programs like probation or diversion, helping clients navigate beyond the legal system.


Working with Existing Providers

Douglas County benefits from strong community service providers and government support for crisis stability. A holistic defender office can effectively coordinate these resources as needed. With successful models in other areas as a guide, Kansas Holistic Defenders collaborates with panel attorneys, educational institutions, service providers, and the community to ensure optimal outcomes for clients at every stage of representation.