Frequently Asked Questions
Does KHD represent clients in Municipal Court?
Our office currently is not appointed to criminal cases in Lawrence Municipal Court; only in Douglas County District Court. If you want information about your case in Lawrence Municipal Court, you can find the appropriate contact information on the Lawrence Municipal Court Website.
When is my next court date?
You can find your next court date by searching your name on the Douglas County District Court calendar here.
I was subpoenaed to come to court, what do I have to do now?
A subpoena is a court order. For the most part, if you are properly served, then you must comply. But, Kansas law states that every witness must be served personally must be made in accordance with K.S.A. 60-303, and amendments thereto, and must, if the subpoena requires a person's attendance, be accompanied by the fees for one day's attendance and the mileage allowed by law in order for there to be a possibility for that witness to face contempt. OR he/she must receive a mailed copy with a check, or if the witness returns the proof of service card (signed by the witness) to acknowledge service. Generally, if service has not been in that manner, then no penalty can be sought against the witness for failure to comply as the service will be deemed inadequate.
Here is a copy of relevant statute regarding subpoenas for you to review. -
I am the alleged victim of charges against someone. How do I get the charges dismissed?
Prosecutions are entirely up to the Prosecutor. You may wish to contact the Douglas County Prosecutor and request that charges be dropped. The Douglas County Prosecutor is Suzanne Valdez and the phone number to her office is 785-841-0211.
If your statement to police was inaccurate or false, then it would certainly help our clients if you would put that in writing and submit a copy of your new statement to the Prosecutor’s office as well as our office. False statements to police officers can be prosecuted on their own. You should consult a lawyer if you have questions.
I'm charged with a felony. Are you my public defeder?
If you are charged with a felony in Douglas County District Court, your attorney is probably with the Board of Indigents Defense Services (BIDS) office. You can find their contact info here:
Board of Indigent Defense Services - 7th Judicial District Office