Robert O’Connor

Robert O’Connor graduated from the UMKC School of Law school in 2020. With a strong commitment to defending underserved populations from criminal prosecution, Robert began his journey as an intern with the Midwest Innocence Project.

Having gained valuable experience and knowledge during a two-year tenure at the Missouri State Public Defender, Robert fearlessly champions the rights of the marginalized and remains dedicated to seeking justice for all. Celebrating almost one year at Kansas Holistic Defenders, he is thrilled to be part of a team that embraces a comprehensive and compassionate approach to legal representation.

Beyond the courtroom, Robert has a deep passion for the outdoors and would like to be a better advocate for protecting our environment. He finds solace and inspiration through travel, immersing himself in diverse cultures and perspectives.

When not advocating for justice or exploring the world, Robert can be found engrossed in the pages of a captivating novel or enjoying a thrilling horror film with a bowl of popcorn in hand.